
PatriotIQ Your source for Business, IT, Electronic Security, and Logistics Talent

“In less than two quarters since we hired PATRIOTIQ, they placed 20 hires, all with TS, 18 with SCI and Polygraphs. Meanwhile, our existing consultants placed a total of 4, so PATRIOTIQ produced 5Xmore than our other consultants combined. PATRIOTIQ was a life-saver”

Recruiting for those roles
that are difficult to fill

American Intelligence Says
“If it is necessary, it is possible.”

We have successfully executed many of the largest and most innovative security technology projects in the world.

Clients include dozens of government, transportation, critical infrastructure, national treasure and Fortune 100 Enterprises.

We specialize in bringing disruptive technologies and teams to the security market.

Mission Success is An Obsession

Why PatriotiQ?

Patriot is a technical and executive search and management consulting firm that assists Physical and Electronic Security, IT, Cybersecurity, Logistics, and Government Contractors with recruiting, acquiring, and retaining high-impact employees for mission-critical positions. PatriotiQ is focused on bringing the right people and the right technologies together to deliver the most intelligent solutions humanly, technologically, and financially possible.

Patriot is connected to a network of talent across these deep disciplines with decades of relationships and success.

Patriot is more than a recruiting firm, but actual subject matter experts in security, information security, IT, systems integration, application development/DevOps, and advanced and emerging security technologies.

Patriot works harder and smarter to connect companies to the most intelligent human resources possible to meet hard-to-find requirements and experiences, and the individual traits that predict success.

Client & Partner Testimonials

“In less than two quarters since we hired PATRIOTIQ, they placed 20 hires, all with TS, 18 with SCI and Polygraphs. Meanwhile, our existing consultants placed a total of 4, so PATRIOTIQ produced 5X than our other consultants combined. PATRIOTIQ was a life-saver in terms of meeting our mission critical hiring goals and produced much higher quality, quantity, and speed of delivery than we could have ever expected.”
Talent Acquisition Lead for IC Business Unit, Government Contractor in Tysons, VA. (private reference available)
“Hobby Wright has been part of many successful projects over the past decade. He consistently offers a high level of professionalism, demonstrated and supported by his preparation and thoughtful execution of his tasks. He teams well and offers sound leadership, managing to bring the “right” people together, and communicates appropriately and effectively. Both myself and my teams have always appreciated Hobby’s input and value his technically sound and constructive criticisms, and consider him to be more than a colleague, but also a friend.”
Ted Alben- CEO Relevant IT, Practice Director, Dimension Data
“Hobby helped us meet new security mandates post 9/11 when our industry was trying to implement new state and federal requirements. He made us look good with our users by making sure we did not skip a beat. Thanks to him, we made out better than our competitors!”
Lori Baer- Executive Director, Port of Palm Beach/VP Ports AECOM.
“Hobby is without a doubt the best salesman I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. I could go on and on about his wonderful personality, humor and general likability, but the number one trait that has made him so successful is that he is a closer. Period. Given the opportunity, Hobby will make rain for any organization that is lucky enough to get him on board.”
Jamie Baker- Sr Sales Manager at Amazon Web Services

Our Services

Executive & Technical Talent

Patriot understands that every company’s and every mission’s success is determined by the greatest variable: human performance. Finding, hiring, and retaining the best talent makes the difference between success and failure.

Patriot serves the security and IT industries across government, commercial and industrial segments: systems integrators, manufacturers, developers, and IT and security professionals across all verticals.

Security & IT Consulting

How much is this really going to cost me? Face it. You need expertise on how to buy, sell and deliver advanced technology.

Management Consulting

Patriot provides marketing, management and business development consulting to the security technology and IT services industry.

Currently advising: facial recognition, video analytics, video-storage, crowd-sourced intelligence, IT Security and General IT Services and App Development/DevOps Companies.


Hobby Wright